The Aurland Road

The road over the mountain from Aurland to Laerdal is very scenic as it at first climbs high up along the Aurlandfjord up through the wooden slops of the mountains. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking and few kilometrs up you will reach to a platform over slope and right below you get a birds eye view over the Aurland right below.

The road over the mountain from Aurland to Laerdal is very scenic as it at first climbs high up along the Aurlandfjord up through the wooden slops of the mountains. The scenery is absolutely breathtaking and few kilometrs up you will reach to a platform over slope and right below you get a birds eye view over the Aurland right below.

A few shots taken from a platform facing the Aurlandsfjord. That is Flåm in the very end of the fjord and Aurland on the forground. Notice even the large cruise sheips like the M/S Rottterdam in Flåm is dwarfed by the high mountains.

I had to keep up the paice as behind me was a snowstrom underway, it looked a little strange to have glorious sunshie ahead a really black clouds coming up from the rear. Snow storm in June? These things do happen in the high mountains!

Any time of year, the high mountains treats you with very vivid shades of colors in a ever changing landscape.

This horse rushed to the gates as I was driving by, I guess he was a bit curious or just wanted to become photographed. He was located in a farm few kilometers from Laerdal.

(Along E16 to Laerdal) (Aurland) (Flåm)
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