Steam excursion in Orsa
It is was a big day for Orsa Jervägsförening as they for the first time could offer excursions from Mora. The excursions were two and in both cases to the neighbouring town of Furudal. It was also for the first time IBAB.s new steam engine former, SJ E2 1093 was visiting its new home in Orsa. As her stble mate it will be accompanied with E10 1743 and a T23 120 which are in turn owned by the railroad club. The pair of matching cars came GDJmf in Falun. In modern times nothing remains from the steam service facilities so there was a bit of improvation to get the engine serviced and loaded with both water and coal. A front loader loaded on the cal and the water was carried in huge plastic containers on IBAB.s MoW rail car, which followed the train to Furudal, later on the night the report says the day was a success for the club and perhaps they will arrange this again. Learn more at the site of the Orsa Jervägsförening. Images |