Annual trip to Norway

...with a few suprices.

Personally, a photo safari to Norway is a bit of a highlight. As I live reasonably close to the border, it takes a minimum of planning to get there. Just a full tank of gas, camera and few rolls of film and off you go. In earlier trips (1990.s), NSB displayed a variation in color schemes and different equipment. You could never be sure, what kind of engine or cars you would see in a few moments.

Today it is more standard units or trainsets and even power. Di.3s are gone from mainline duties, most of them are scrapped or sold abroad. But few remains in MoW duties and a handful are preserved. Most of the Intercity trains are called Signatur, and are either El18.s and B7-generation cars or Bm 73.s. and freights as I saw it was entirely in hands of El14.s. But there was a bit of suprices like a Speno train AND a preserved Di3 in paintscheme from the sixties sitting in Åndalsnes. And in Hamar the Tretitten was running under steam with its small 0-6-0T Urskog.

There have been some discussion of the futuristic design that comes along with moderna passanger trainsets. But personally I think that the use of rather flashy schemes on these make them look very sleek and welcoming. I like the way NSB paint these, wheter it is Signatur long haul, Regional trains or Agenda trains or the Airport shuttle trains from Oslo to Gardemoen, unlike some other that looks like a plastic trainsets from a garage sale.

Webdesign & Photos:Ollie Ahokas, e-mail: