Copyright © 2005-2010 Olavi Ahokas

Few facts...

1960-02-24 Turku Finland
Current LocationOrsa, Sweden
FamilySingle, but got parents and a half sister and her family.
Height185 cm
Weight90 - 95 Kg.s
Eye colorBlue
HairOnce blond, now boldly bald.....
OrientationStraight as an arrow!
IntrestsPlenty, mostly photography, or anything that keeps interested more than 5 minutes!
DrivesA Mercedes...
WeaknessesToo many to mention..
Health freak?Not really but works out 4 days a week, love outdoors.
Favorite PizzaActually none.. But I might have that sallad....
DrinksSparkling mineral water..
Tea/coffeeTea, I don't drink coffee..
GoalsTo make a living with my abilities.
To the photos...