25.th Big Lake Run 2004.

Rättvik, Sweden

So long, fellas!
There is more than meets the eye.
At first I though that this is a nice original restoration, but the wealthy level of the sound system pumping Ramstein (a good choise of music, if you ask me) seemed not be right. Anyway, once I tooked the first image, a friend of the owner said

"Oh no, if you are about to take the picture of this car, take it from here." He opened the hood and beneath was a spotless new home an engine that is respectable. More if the car puzzles you it is a 1958 with a 1959 front and some subtile custom details on it.

Another look at the spotless underneath of the car shows the cross over exhaustion and attention to the car. Think of that the car is been built by a 22 year old guy!

At least one of the classic Chevies was there a '55 two door sedan with Bel Air treatment in black and silver.

This '34 three window coupe in chicken yellow was one of the few rods prowling around. The car sports a blower appearently not in use as it lacked the typical blower whine...
One of the absolute finest cars was this Deuce Tudor in black suede. Just perfect!
If you look at the Classic Car 2001 Section, you will find a 46 Phord in black. Since then married and owner of this Ford model A and whole other cars. The relatively newly weds are enjoying the show.
This '59 Dodge rag top looked just nice in white...

Smoker & Smokie experience.
It took a while to get this Astro owner to prove that you can actually burn tires with a V6 Astro and finelly, the tires actually start burn it cught the trooers eyes. The comedy was allmost on as the driver got a ticket in smoky mess by an law and order officer, if he only was eating a donut...

At the mean while just few degrees southeast a different view, a choir celebrating a friend with a "Happy Birthday" song. Yes folks, life has got its ups and downs...

Not only American cars, an impressive looking young Brittish cat (a Jag) crept in dressed with real nize wheels.

Little freshments? The members of the choir company seen earlier served supriced and pleased passangers of few cars bit of champange.

Another look at the fendered '34 Ford

Another personal favorite was this low Chevy. The body style actually was an well seeling idea of GM of Austrailia and was offered only a few years on Chevies. Pity.

Chevy II estate wagon as a street racer, why not. In pinkish purple the fastest car at the mall.

After sundown you can get some classic scenes at the gas stations as this with gleaming '53 Caddy.

After sun down, top down in a Caddie in a summer night sure is a smooooooth ride.

As you might guess it is nice change to see something else than HT.s or covertibles, like this 1958 model Chevy estate wagon.

There were a few mid fifties Mercs out. like this showing off its handsome lines.

GTO, three letters than are magic of the sixties.

This is a typical swedish choise of ride few years ago, a sixties muscle car as convertible, with highjackers and mag wheels.

Gassed and having a ball.
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Webdesign & Photos:Ollie Ahokas, e-mail: Olliehokas@.yahoo.se.