030312. Fun with V-amp.

V-amp 2 is here, very fun, and it has affected on my playing. It is even more fun. So far I have been stuck with the presets as from the factory. Very much because they sound good and as I don't play live on stage. I got the time of the world to tweek anything the way I like.

So far I havn't even hooked up the Cry-Baby yet, but plan as I get to the point that playing through the V-Amp becomes more to routine. This way I will maintain the fun on playing. I haven't mention on music yet but right now I am working on three new tunes and I got the structure OK and I plant make few simple demos on my old Fostex taperecorder to work out some melody lines and ideas for solos. I have learned that Behringer is planing on bass version of V-amp, perhaps this would give me additional source of sounds.

The main ax is in desperate need of refretting, but I plan to biy a new guitar this spring, so leaving the RG for refretting would not steal any momentum on this project. Also I am playing with the idea of buying a fretless base for some parts of music I intend to record, once I get enough structure and material to start the actual recording.

Stay Tuned! Ollie

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