A typical short freight in the last years of service on the line. A Di.2.-class hydralic, and a couple of G4 boxcars and the baggagecar,
the european version of the american caboose.

A trackplan from Po Sporet by Thor Bjerke.

All black and white images are from that article and are shot by Thor Bjerke, Per Herman Sörlie and the historical photos Totens Historiska Samling. Color photos by Olavi Ahokas, except for modelphotos by Artitech/NMJ

The location of the structures are as follows from left to right, enginehouse, woodchip ramp, freight house, express freighthouse, the station building, a private small warehouse/shed, restrooms and the carshed/warehouse. The north is to the left and south is to the right. The streetside area at the freight house slopes downward, while the road at enginehouse is allmost at the same level as the track. The west side is woodcovered bluff, where the vegetation is s very thick. The road access to yard near the carshed is a dirtroad on heavy grade, the location of the private homes south of the end of the track is well under the tracklevel, if the track would have continued further south, a viaduct would been fairly easy to add since road would have plenty room there. This is sort of the idea i would model it not as a end of the branch, but as the line would continue a few miles to the shore of Lake Mjösa. The scenery in the area is hilly farmlands and woodcovered hills and at south a small town nestled on the sloping valley between a hillside.

Prototype pictures.

The picturesque station building of Skreia, a work from the arcitecht Paul Due, the design of the station was standard on Gjövik-line and used as the station buildings on several stations including Eina (later with a add on).

The enginehouse of also standard design in Skreia. the building received an add on for the railcar. The engine house in Skreia is the very last remaing of this design. Not the end of the woodchip loading track on the foreground. The track in background is the main line.

The freight house, note the doors in to the building, for protection from the weather.

The enginehouse of also standard design in Skreia. the building received an add on for the railcar. The engine house in Skreia is the very last remaing of this design. Not the end of the woodchip loading track on the foreground. The track in background is the main line.

A view at the roadcrossing just outside of the yard, note the enginehouse in the background.

A view at the roadcrossing just outside of the yard, note the enginehouse in the background.